Showing posts with label strength training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strength training. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Fitocracy Strength Training Tracking App Review

Happy first Workout Wednesday after Thanksgiving! I don't know about you, but I'm still recovering after my normal three-house marathon which included trying no less than 5 different pies. No regrets though!

(Image Source)
As you may have read a few weeks ago, I've been trying to get back into weight lifting. I found a sweet 3 days a week total body plan, which I think had to turn into an upper-body only strength training plan on doctor's orders. I was doing a pretty good job of fitting in my lifts but was frustrated because I couldn't find a good way to track them.

Thanks to Chaitali from Running, and Enjoying the Journey, I've found something that works pretty well for me: Fitocracy.

How it Works

Fitocracy is designed to help provide fitness motivation with workout tracking along with points, badges, and other virtual community incentives for working out. The app is free to download on Android or iPhone. After some quick profile set up, it's super easy to begin tracking your workouts.  

The app comes with lots of built in workout routines you can do, or you can build your own. I created and saved routines for each of my three upper body workouts super easily.

After completing each workout, you get awarded a certain number of points. You can also "level up" when you reach certain points thresholds. This part of the app wasn't that interesting to me so I didn't look into it that much.


Customizability: I love that you can create and save your own workout routines. 

Ease of use: It's really easy to find and add exercises to your workout routine from the large exercise library. And, being able to select from recent and copy recent workouts makes tracking each session pretty painless.

Price: Can't beat free .99!


Tracking view options: It's hard to see at a glance how many workouts you've completed recently outside of point totals. It would be really nice to have a way to see your workout history at a glance.

Speed: The app will sometimes freeze or take a long time to load routines, which is annoying if you are trying to get in and out of the gym quickly.

Bottom Line:

This app provides an easy way to keep track of strength training. Would definitely recommend it to anyone who is trying to stick to a weight lifting routine!

Now on to the party!

Welcome to this week's Workout Wednesday (WOW) Link Up!

Brought to you by your hostesses

Diatta Harris | Femme Fitale Fit Club and Sheila Simmons | The Frugal Exerciser.

Workout Wednesday Link Up co-hostesses

Joining us are our co-hostesses:

Amanda | Eat Hard Work Hard and Heather | Divas Run For Bling
Workout Wednesday Co-Hostesses
Amanda | Blog | Twitter | Instagram
Heather | Blog | Twitter | Instagram

Be sure to stop by BOTH of our co-hostess' blogs as they are really cool and full of their fitness and running adventures so read some posts, leave some comments, share and subscribe so you receive regular updates. We are very happy to have them as co-hostesses.

How to Participate:

1. Follow, Like and/or Subscribe to your hostesses and co-hostesses:
2. Post our badge on your site so folks "hear" about our weekly link up 
3. Leave no more than 2 links to your blog, Facebook or YouTube post or video using the link up tool/button below 
4. Invite your like-minded friends! We love finding and reading new blogs so spread the word so we can increase the size of our parties every week til we make the walls sweat!!!! I told ya we party hard! :-) 
5. Use hashtag #wowlinkup when you comment on someone's post so they know how you found them 6. Last but definitely not least, HAVE FUN! This IS a party.

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

All Upper Body Strength Training Plan

Last Workout Wednesday I posted an awesome new weight training plan along with big words about sticking to it. And then on Friday I found out I'm not supposed to do ANY lower body stuff, including strength training for 4-6 weeks. Oh well. Onwards and upwards!

(Image Quote)

The good thing about not being able to use my lower-body is that it gives me an excellent excuse to finally fix my super sad lack of upper body strength. Since it worked well before, I went back to the awesome Greatist article I used to make my last plan, and took all the upper body workouts from the 5 days a week plan. I had to modify things a little to take out any lower body stuff and to be able to do everything at home with just dumbbells. 

Day 1 – Chest/Triceps

1) Dumbbell Bench Press

2A) Incline Dumbbell Press
2B) Dips

3A) Dumbbell Chest Fly
3B) Tricep Extension
3C) Plank

Day 2 – Back/Biceps

1) Bent over row

2A) Single-Arm Dumbbell Row
2B) Dumbbell Reverse Fly

3A) Dumbbell Pullover
3B) Dumbbell Bicep Curl
3C) Supermans
Day 3 – Shoulders

1) Seated Clean and Press

2A) Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
2B) Dumbbell Lateral Raise

3A) Dumbbell Front Raise
3B) Shoulder Push Ups 

Here's hoping the above plan, plus some yoga and at-home pilates, is enough to keep me sane!

Q: How do you keep from going crazy while waiting for an injury to heal?
Now on to the party!

Welcome to this week's Workout Wednesday (WOW) Link Up!

Brought to you by your hostesses

Diatta Harris | Femme Fitale Fit Club and Sheila Simmons | The Frugal Exerciser.

Workout Wednesday Link Up co-hostesses

Joining us are our co-hostesses:

Amanda | Eat Hard Work Hard and Heather | Divas Run For Bling
Workout Wednesday Co-Hostesses
Amanda | Blog | Twitter | Instagram
Heather | Blog | Twitter | Instagram

Be sure to stop by BOTH of our co-hostess' blogs as they are really cool and full of their fitness and running adventures so read some posts, leave some comments, share and subscribe so you receive regular updates. We are very happy to have them as co-hostesses.

How to Participate:

1. Follow, Like and/or Subscribe to your hostesses and co-hostesses:
2. Post our badge on your site so folks "hear" about our weekly link up 
3. Leave no more than 2 links to your blog, Facebook or YouTube post or video using the link up tool/button below 
4. Invite your like-minded friends! We love finding and reading new blogs so spread the word so we can increase the size of our parties every week til we make the walls sweat!!!! I told ya we party hard! :-) 
5. Use hashtag #wowlinkup when you comment on someone's post so they know how you found them 6. Last but definitely not least, HAVE FUN! This IS a party.

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Workout Wednesday - Free Dumbbell Strength Routines

Hey all! As you may know if you follow me on Instagram (shameless follow-me-plug: @eathard_workhard), I bought this adjustable dumbbell set last week.

It was only $29.97 with free shipping after I bought an additional $20 worth of stuff to get to Walmart's $50 shipping minimum (like that was hard). It isn't as fancy as some sets I've seen (this one used in Fitness Blender videos look amazing) and changing the weight is a bit of a pain with the spin collars, but it was CHEAP. Can't have champagne taste on a beer budget. Well I guess that depends how much beer we're talking about...

I'd been seriously slacking on strength training since I decided to be a runner this year. But a fortuitous (ok that may be pushing it, Pollyanna) ankle injury last week got me back into it when running was off the table. So, in honor of my new dumbbell set and Workout Wednesday, I'm sharing a few of my favorite free dumbbell strength routines. 

LivestrongWoman Full-Body Fantastic 5 Workout

With a circuit of five basic moves, a total length of under 15 minutes, and plenty of helpful guidance on form, this workout is great for strength training beginners. It's also a great circuit for lifters of all levels to squeeze in a quick strength session on a busy day.  

Fitness Blender Fat Burning Functional Strength Training Workout

This workout features multi-tasking moves to tone your whole body. And, at just over 30 minutes long, it won't kill your whole night. 

If you have a bit more time to spare or want to take your workout to the gym, this workout from BeFit is a little longer and is helpfully formatted to play well on your phone so you can take it with you.

Purely Twins 20 Minute Time Challenge

This is another quick circuit workout filled with multi-tasking moves. It's done AMRAP style (as many reps as possible) so you can vary the intensity by changing up the weight and speed to get a great workout in at any level in only 20 minutes.

If you just can't resist getting a little bit of cardio in with your strength training, this workout includes a bunch of two-in-one moves that work multiple muscle groups done at a fast race to keep your heart rate up.

Q: Made any fitness purchases lately? Do you splurge on fitness equipment or do you stick to the cheap stuff like your truly?